Friday, April 22, 2011

a great update

so we should be getting the apartment at the trails. we can move in around may 1,so from the 27th til then we are staying at tamis.
yesterday we went to dodge. it was fun.
sunday we are going to tracys parents house for easter. it should be fun. mom might buy me a dress tonight for it.
so work is ugh. these kids dont listen mch and they dont link cinderealla!!! wtf!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

well then

well, things arent super good this weekend. greg&me got a huge fight, about just everything. im so sick of him always going off with his friends, plus he spends money even when i tell him not to. ugh
in other news, cole has started sleeping longer at night. its really nice.
im going to call the apartments tomorrow in the hope that we can put a deposit down on an apartment for when it opens up. i really dont want eric to move in this us.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

i love youtube

so things are better with us, expect we still cant find a new place to live HELP
going to get a pop before work.

Monday, April 11, 2011


well whatever i got from the kid in my room,cole has now.
ugh i hate parents. she brought him two weeks,even though he was sick. we had to keep calling her to come him only a few hours after she left.
im watching the magic horse with cole. its ok, kind of old. im going to call the lady again and see if we can look at the apartment.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Well this is new for me. so today we wnt to lunch with greg's aunt and mom. Then he took Cole to his moms house so i can keep packing. I hate packing so much. Im hoping we can get this place for now.